Monday, June 15, 2009

Shoutout to the Colemans Produce Department!

Good Night one and all, and welcome to the next installment of the Wandering Newfie.

I will lay out a little disclaimer at this point, as I have found out there is another blog titled The Wandering Newfies, but they are many and I am one and in no sense affliated with them. Oh, and I show up number one in google for 'wanderingnewfie'. A-Booyah baby!

This blog post is dedicated to all of my friends and adopted family in the produce department where I worked. We always thought of doing a breakdown of who it is that worked there and what they represent, but we just laughed about it and moved on. So here it is, my version of the produce family.

Corey - Stern and tough, yet just one of the guys, definitely the father of the group.
Dot - Knows when to put her foot down, definitely mommy material though.
Glen and Robert - What family would be complete without the crazy uncles.
Edith and Lisa - Two aunts with hearts of gold, tongues like vipers (when needed), and characters full of life.
Evan - My brother from another mother. Master and commander of all things psychadelic and mind-related.
Matt - The new baby on the block. He'll grow up just fine to fit in with the established crew.
Joey and Brandon - One's a crazy militant, the other one, well, just plain crazy. But these two make up the cousins of the group.
Greg - The ever 'agreeable' brother. Oh yes ya!
Brad - The second newest addition to our crew, he adds a lot of life and just a little more crazy. Pfft, like we need more!
K* - I've only met her once, and she hasn't been indoctrinated yet, but I'm sure the new little sister to the crew will put the boys in their place.

*Yes, I forgot your name. I'm sorry, sheesh, enough with the PDP. (Puppy-Dog-Pout, for those of you not up on your cartoon slang these days.)

I believe that's it. If I missed anyone, other than Dane who is now the estranged second-cousin twice removed, then you can come on over to Endland and kick my ass. Ha ha ha. Alrighty then, that's about all for me today, I'll catch ya on the flipside.


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