Sunday, August 16, 2009

Homeward bugs and such.

Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the long delay in my blog posting. I do, however, now have some more news for you.

I am back home in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, for the time being. Why? Well, the reason is in the title...


Well, at least we think it's a bug. While I was travelling I spent six weeks with constant movements of the bowels. Quite the opposite of constipation, and rather frequent as well. So, luckily, my medical insurance provider saw fit to send me home to get it all checked out before I continue my journeys. I'm now glad I bought that insurance. Whew, saved me a lot of fuss in the end. But there is a downside to all of this wonderful doctoring I'm about to recieve. The reason is also in the title...


As much as I love my home in Newfoundland, well, let me put it this way. Have you ever come off the highway at 110 kmph into a sudden city zone where you're forced to go 50kmph or less? Right, well that feeling of impatience, lethargy, and utter disinterest, is exactly what I'm feeling. I've even gone so far as to buy a fiddle and sign up for boxing lessons, just to keep me occupied. I think tomorrow I will have to be checking with the golks down at Colemans to maybe get some work. No time like the present to top up the coffers.

Still, after being on the road, sdoing my own thing, and finally getting my life back in check, it's a shame to stuck again. But this will not be settling me for very long. As soon as the doctors give me the go-ahead, I'll be on the next plane to...well...wherever I want actually! Ha ha ha.

Well, at least now I have some time to re-group, re-pack, and actually do some writing for enjoyment. And maybe even go through my pictures and videos and label much as it pains me to do so. Ugh!

I leave you for now, but when I have some more news, especially news of my returning to the travel scene, I will let you all know, right here.

Later days,

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